through comic
Comic Crate® is the only parent-selected, kid-approved comic book subscription box.
Choose the rating that’s best for your favorite reader, and we’ll take care of the rest!
How It Works

Choose a Rating
We’ll personally choose comics at the rating you select: All-Ages, Teen, or Teen+.

Pick a Delivery Plan
Choose from a monthly, 3-, 6-, or 12-month subscription. Switch ratings or cancel anytime.

Enjoy Great Comics
Your favorite reader will love the great stories, quality artwork, and adventure in today’s comics.
Choose Your Rating
All Ages Comic Crate
$29/month + free shipping
Enjoy 6 comics per month with simple artwork and language.
Examples: Sonic the Hedgehog, Looney Tunes, Star Wars Adventures, Scooby-Doo
Click the photo to see a sample panel from Star Wars Adventures, which is an All-Ages comic book. The art is simple, and there is usually just one dialogue box in each panel.
Teen Comic Crate
$29/month + free shipping
Receive 6 comics per month with detailed artwork, intermediate language, superhero violence.
Examples: Star Wars, Power Rangers, The Flash, Wonder Woman
Click the photo to see a sample panel from Star Wars, which is a Teen comic. The art has more detail and shading than an All-Ages comic, and the dialogue is more advanced.
Teen+ Comic Crate
$29/month + free shipping
Receive 6 comics per month with detailed artwork, advanced language, occasional profanity or mature themes, and violence.
Examples: X-Men, Avengers, Captain America, Justice League, Black Panther
Click the photo to see a sample panel from Incredible Hulk, which is a Teen+ comic. The art is more detailed than in a Teen comic, and the language is more advanced. It also addresses a mature theme (abuse).
Parents and Kids ❤ Comic Crate!
My 12 year old really enjoys his comics—and his 15 year old sister has taken a liking to them as well! The folks at Comic Crate were responsive in changing the selections when they weren’t quite what we were looking for in the beginning.
Darlene V.
Comic Crate is amazing! Both my sons love getting their comics every month, and they are the perfect ones for my 8 and 10 year olds. Thank you, Comic Crate!
Brittany B.
Thank you for such a great product. I had tried a different comic service first and found that I had to preview the comics for mature words or concept before I gave them to my kids. I don’t have to worry about that with your Crates—they can go straight from the mailbox into my 8 year old’s hands!
Jenn D.
I took a shot in the dark, hoping this comic box would be something that my daughter would take to, and I have been pleasantly surprised. She now has a great collection of comics, which will keep her busy when (and if) she ever gets burned out on YouTube videos!
David D.
What an incredible service. We’ve been delighted to find both new gems, approachable mainstream series, and some old classics that keep us all entertained. These have been a lifesaver over the past year, and every new “Comic Crate Night” is a big deal in the house.
Joshua D.
We have been getting Comic Crate for my now 11 year old daughter for 2 years, and it has been fantastic. She loves comics, and this not only provides a great, hand-picked variety, but also gives her something creative to read and improve her literacy. We love it!
Nichole S.
Great crate! We get the All Ages rated comic pack and my boys age 7 and 11 love them. We have been getting them for several years.
Johnathan P.
I found this Crate last year when I was looking for a gift for my grandson. He is not really interested in toys so it is hard to find gifts for him. He loves his Comic Crate, and I think it will be a continuing gift for him for a long time to come. So happy I found this for him!
Jean M.
Great for reluctant readers, to superhero fans, to anyone who likes receiving fun and cool things in the mail. This is a major hit with my four girls! We have several subscription boxes we receive monthly, and this by far gets the most use. Thanks, Comic Crate!
Cortney D.
I was looking for a unique Christmas gift for my 13 year old son, and I am so glad I found Comic Crate. My son looks forward to his monthly shipment and has really enjoyed ALL of the books he has received. No complaints at all!
Heather M.
My students AND my child really loved getting this subscription! Each box felt like Christmas morning and the customer service was excellent! Thanks for sharing the wonderful world of comics with a new generation!
Liz E.
My granddaughter waits for her monthly Crate package with great anticipation. It makes me a very popular Grammy!
Rene K.
We ordered Comic Crate for our niece who was having a hard time reading but really enjoyed comic books. She now has been reading like crazy and gets so excited for her package to show up every month. I highly recommend this as a fun gift for any kid/tween/teen in your life.
Jennifer G.
Both of my kids have Dyslexia and have struggled to find reading enjoyable. Comics have totally helped! They get so excited about their Comic Crates when they arrive monthly! What I thought would be a 3-month subscription has turned into a 2-year addiction in my house!
Chelsea A.
We love this subscription! This box introduced comics to my daughter. At first, she wasn’t into it. But at some point (thanks to the variety), I now can’t pry her from reading or writing comics.
Via T.
We’ve discovered comics I didn’t realize he would enjoy. Yesterday we discovered he’s an Archie fan. He opened it while he was waiting for the morning bus, and had his nose in it when I picked him up in the afternoon. I can’t thank you enough!
Jennifer D.
These books helped my 7 year old grandson keep interested in learning to read and comprehend what he was reading. It was a breakthrough for him, as he was struggling with reading.
Diana W.
My son started reading recently and has become interested in comics. This is a great way to get a variety of comics and encourage your child to read. He looks forward to getting his comics every month!
Crystal L.
Comic Crate was a wonderful gift I was able to share with my Godson and his older brother. Such a great way to connect, receive gifts in the mail and encourage fun reading! Thank you Comic Crate for helping build some wonderful memories.
Samantha L.
What’s a Comic Crate?
Comic Crate is a monthly comic book subscription box.
We personally select six full-size comic books each month that fit the rating you select–All Ages, Teen, or Teen+, and ship them right to your door.
How do you decide the ratings?
All comic books that we provide adhere to the current, industry-standard comic book rating system.
An All Ages Comic Crate contains comics that are labeled ALL AGES—these comics are appropriate for all ages.
A Teen Rated Comic Crate contains comics labeled TEEN—these comics are appropriate for most readers, but parents are advised that they might want to read before or with younger children.
ATeen+ Rated Comic Crate contains comics labeled TEEN+ —these comics are appropriate for older teens and adults only.
Can’t I just go to the comic book store?
Yes! And we hope that you do. We built our business by selling comic books at our store in Sacramento, CA, and we hope you’ll support your local comic store.
However, you might be overwhelmed by the thousands of comics available to choose from. Comic Crate makes it easy for you! We are parents with 20+ years of experience owning a comic book store, and we will pick the best comic books for your favorite reader.
How do comic books help with reading?
Comic books are a great reading experience for all types of readers.
Reluctant Readers enjoy comic books because the short bursts of text and vivid images are easier to read than the solid text in a prose book.
English Language Learners can match the text to the images in comic books to help decode and understand the text.
Proficient Readers can enjoy the art and text, while learning how the comic medium models concise language.
Comic Book Lovers of all ages and reading levels can appreciate and enjoy the enticing and engaging stories in today’s comic books.
What does it cost?
A single-month subscription to Comic Crate is $30.99, and shipping is FREE. The price goes down when you subscribe for 6 months or 12 months, still with FREE shipping.
Can siblings subscribe to Comic Crate?
Yes! You can order individual subscriptions for each sibling, or they can share one subscription. To share a subscription, in the Shipping Address area either enter multiple first names (“Franklin and Valeria”) or a family name (“The Richards Kids”).
Can teachers subscribe to Comic Crate?
Absolutely! Teachers can use comic books to teach sequential storytelling, to assist with art lessons, or as a good behavior reward. Please see our Schools page for more information.
Will you tell me ahead of time what is in my Comic Crate?
Your Comic Crate is a surprise each month! If you want to choose specific comics to receive each month, contact us and ask about a Custom Comic Crate.

Comic Crate
We’re Gene & Pam, and we’ve owned Comics & Collectibles in Sacramento, CA since 1998.
For the last 26 years, we’ve shared our love of comic books with our own kids and thousands of others. We’ll use our years of experience as parents and comic book fans to choose the right comics for your favorite reader!